Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Moral Values Reveal the Causality Implicit in Verb Meaning

Abstract Prior work has found that moral values that build and bind groups—that is, the binding values of ingroup loyalty, respect for authority, and preservation of purity—are linked to blaming people who have been harmed. The present research investigated whether people’s endorsement of binding values predicts their assignment of the causal locus of harmful events […]

Published on May 22, 2020

OPETH: Open Source Solution for Real-Time Peri-Event Time Histogram Based on Open Ephys

Single cell electrophysiology remains one of the most widely used approaches of systems neuroscience. Decisions made by the experimenter during electrophysiology recording largely determine recording quality, duration of the project and value of the collected data. Therefore, online feedback aiding these decisions can lower monetary and time investment, and substantially speed up projects as well […]

Published on May 21, 2020