Small-mammal neuroimaging offers incredible opportunities to investigate structural and functional aspects of the brain. Many tools have been developed in the last decade to analyse small animal data, but current softwares are less mature than the available tools that process human brain data. The Python package Sammba-MRI (SmAll-MaMmal BrAin MRI in Python; allows flexible […]
Published on May 29, 2020
Theta-nested gamma oscillations have been reported in many areas of the brain and are believed to represent a fundamental mechanism to transfer information across spatial and temporal scales. In a series of recent experiments in vitro it has been possible to replicate with an optogenetic theta frequency stimulation several features of cross-frequency coupling (CFC) among […]
Published on May 29, 2020
Although Alzheimer’s disease presents homogeneous histopathology, it causes several clinical phenotypes depending on brain regions involved. Beside the most abundant memory variant, several atypical variants exist. Among them posterior cortical atrophy (PCA) is associated with severe visuospatial/visuoperceptual deficits in the absence of significant primary ocular disease. Here, we report for the first time a case […]
Published on May 29, 2020