Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Do Non-Human Primates Really Represent Others’ Beliefs?

Over two decades of research have produced compelling evidence that non-human primates understand some psychological states in other individuals but are unable to represent others’ beliefs. Recently, three studies employing anticipatory looking (AL) paradigms reported that non-human primates do show hints of implicitly understanding the beliefs of others. However, measures of AL have been increasingly […]

Published on June 25, 2020

Object Recognition at Higher Regions of the Ventral Visual Stream via Dynamic Inference

The ventral visual stream (VVS) is a fundamental pathway involved in visual object identification and recognition. In this work, we present a hypothesis of a sequence of computations performed by the VVS during object recognition. The operations performed by the inferior temporal (IT) cortex are represented as not being akin to a neural-network, but rather […]

Published on June 24, 2020

A Single 30 Minutes Bout of Combination Physical Exercises Improved Inhibition and Vigor-Mood in Middle-Aged and Older Females: Evidence From a Randomized Controlled Trial

BackgroundLong-term combination of physical exercises has reported benefits for cognitive functions and mood states. However, it remains unclear whether a single bout of combination exercise training has acute positive effects on cognitive functions and mood states in middle-aged and older women. It is important to investigate acute effect of physical exercise because it would help […]

Published on June 24, 2020