Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

The neurodevelopmental origins of seeing social interactions

In a recent letter [1], Grossmann argues that, in young children and non-human primates, third-party social interaction recognition is supported by top-down processing in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). He suggests that top-down signals in the developing brain may be used to train neural systems in the superior temporal sulcus (STS), which, in adults, appears […]

Published on January 29, 2024

SDA: a data-driven algorithm that detects functional states applied to the EEG of Guhyasamaja meditation

The study presents a novel approach designed to detect time-continuous states in time-series data, called the State-Detecting Algorithm (SDA). The SDA operates on unlabeled data and detects optimal change-points among intrinsic functional states in time-series data based on an ensemble of Ward’s hierarchical clustering with time-connectivity constraint. The algorithm chooses the best number of states […]

Published on January 29, 2024

Time-varying generalized linear models: characterizing and decoding neuronal dynamics in higher visual areas

To create a behaviorally relevant representation of the visual world, neurons in higher visual areas exhibit dynamic response changes to account for the time-varying interactions between external (e.g., visual input) and internal (e.g., reward value) factors. The resulting high-dimensional representational space poses challenges for precisely quantifying individual factors’ contributions to the representation and readout of […]

Published on January 29, 2024