Cognitive Science

The latest breakthroughs, innovations, and cool happenings at the cutting edge of the world of cognitive science. Updated daily.

Differentiation and Generic Sentences

Abstract Generic sentences such as “Birds lay eggs” are used frequently and effortlessly, but there is no simple quantitative rule that determines whether they are true or false. For instance, while “Birds lay eggs” is considered true, “Birds are female” is considered false, even though there are necessarily fewer birds that lay eggs than birds […]

Published on March 26, 2025

“The Earth is Alive”: Attributing Agency to the Earth Causes Moral Concern for the Environment and Biocentric Attitudes

Abstract Do people need to attribute agency to nature to morally care for it? The answer to this question has significant implications for our understanding of social cognitive effects on moral judgment. Despite its relevance during an environmental crisis, surprisingly little is known about the answer. Across two studies, we explored whether attributing agency to […]

Published on March 23, 2025

Action Predictions Facilitate Embodied Geometric Reasoning

Abstract Task-relevant actions can facilitate mathematical thinking, even for complex topics, such as mathematical proof. We investigated whether such cognitive benefits also occur for action predictions. The action-cognition transduction (ACT) model posits a reciprocal relationship between movements and reasoning. Movements—imagined as well as real ones operating on real or imaginary objects—activate feedforward mechanisms for the […]

Published on March 21, 2025