An improved fused feature residual network for 3D point cloud data

Published on August 30, 2023

Imagine point clouds as a collection of stars in the night sky, each point representing a star. Just as astronomers study constellations to understand the universe, researchers analyze point clouds for a variety of applications. To make sense of these dense data sets, scientists have developed a revolutionary network called the improved fused feature residual network. This network takes advantage of a two-branch technique and feature learning to tackle shape classification and segmentation tasks. By utilizing layer skips and other clever building blocks, the network optimizes the learning process and enhances gradient flow. The network also incorporates a grid feature extraction module that extracts hierarchical representations and extracts features from an input grid. These advancements overcome previous limitations on grid size and computational resources, making it possible to capture detailed features without sacrificing speed. The proposed method has already shown promising results, outperforming or matching state-of-the-art approaches in point cloud segmentation and classification. For more details on this groundbreaking research, dive into the full article!

Point clouds have evolved into one of the most important data formats for 3D representation. It is becoming more popular as a result of the increasing affordability of acquisition equipment and growing usage in a variety of fields. Volumetric grid-based approaches are among the most successful models for processing point clouds because they fully preserve data granularity while additionally making use of point dependency. However, using lower order local estimate functions to close 3D objects, such as the piece-wise constant function, necessitated the use of a high-resolution grid in order to capture detailed features that demanded vast computational resources. This study proposes an improved fused feature network as well as a comprehensive framework for solving shape classification and segmentation tasks using a two-branch technique and feature learning. We begin by designing a feature encoding network with two distinct building blocks: layer skips within, batch normalization (BN), and rectified linear units (ReLU) in between. The purpose of using layer skips is to have fewer layers to propagate across, which will speed up the learning process and lower the effect of gradients vanishing. Furthermore, we develop a robust grid feature extraction module that consists of multiple convolution blocks accompanied by max-pooling to represent a hierarchical representation and extract features from an input grid. We overcome the grid size constraints by sampling a constant number of points in each grid using a simple K-points nearest neighbor (KNN) search, which aids in learning approximation functions in higher order. The proposed method outperforms or is comparable to state-of-the-art approaches in point cloud segmentation and classification tasks. In addition, a study of ablation is presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.

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