Feeling down about yourself? It’s a cycle!

Published on November 29, 2022

Imagine a chip on your shoulder, growing bigger and heavier with each passing day. That’s what negative self-perception can be like. A new study suggests that our feelings about ourselves at the end of a bad day may not only reveal how we formed our self-perception but also how it continues to feed into itself, reinforcing negative beliefs. It’s like a never-ending loop where our negative thoughts and emotions about ourselves perpetuate and grow stronger. This research highlights the potential impact of self-perception on our overall well-being and suggests that breaking free from this cycle might require actively challenging and changing our negative beliefs. By understanding how our self-perception perpetuates, we can begin to unravel the mechanisms at play and find ways to break free from the cycle of negativity. Dive into the research to learn more about the fascinating link between our daily experiences and the formation of our self-perception!

At the end of a bad day, how do you feel about yourself? The answer could indicate not only how your self-perception formed, but also how it renews, according to experimental results.

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