Just like baking with expired yeast might cause a cake to fall, unregulated athletic performance enhancers and high-fat diets could increase the risk of pancreatic cancer. A study with mice suggests that these substances and diets can activate a receptor that speeds up the progression of pre-cancerous lesions to pancreatic cancer. It’s like adding rocket […]
Published on June 1, 2022
Recent research reveals that the gut microbiome plays a crucial role in athletes’ performance. Antibiotics, known for their bacterial-killing power, have been found to disrupt this delicate balance of microbes, negatively impacting athletes’ motivation and endurance. It’s like a team sport—just as players depend on each other to excel, athletes rely on specific bacteria to […]
Published on June 1, 2022
Imagine you’re trying to find the perfect recipe for chocolate chip cookies. You know that everyone’s taste buds are different, so wouldn’t it be helpful if there were a way to predict which recipe would make each person the happiest? That’s exactly what scientists are trying to do with major depressive disorder (MDD) patients and […]
Published on June 1, 2022