Month: April 2022

The Locus Coeruleus: Brain’s Bow Shaping Neural Melodies

Imagine the brain as a delicate violin, and the locus coeruleus (LC) as its skilled bow. Just as a bow shapes the sound of a violin, the LC shapes neural dynamics in the brain. It doesn’t dictate specific content, but rather influences the excitability and receptivity of neurons throughout. This review delves into the analogy […]

Published on April 23, 2022

Journalists Share Eye-Witness Tales of Struggles in Healthcare

From the insurmountable costs of insulin to delays in autism care for children, journalists are shedding light on the challenging realities of the healthcare system. Bram Sable-Smith recounts his personal experience with the ever-increasing prices of insulin, emphasizing the urgent need for change. Colleen DeGuzman dives into the unique legal and cultural obstacles faced by […]

Published on April 23, 2022

This algorithm has opinions about your face

Imagine if we could ask an AI what it thinks of our looks? Well, researchers have done just that! They’ve trained an AI algorithm to analyze a photo of a person’s face and predict how others will perceive them. It’s like having a good friend who can tell you how you come across to others, […]

Published on April 23, 2022