Month: October 2020

Learning from Behavioural Changes That Fail

Behavioural change techniques are currently used by many global organisations and public institutions. The amassing evidence base is used to answer practical and scientific questions regarding what cognitive, affective, and environment factors lead to successful behavioural change in the laboratory and in the field. In this piece we show that there is also value to […]

Published on October 29, 2020

Soft Embodiment for Engineering Artificial Limbs

We highlight two alternative, yet complementary, solutions for harnessing available neural resources for improving integration of artificial limbs (ALs) through embodiment. ‘Hard’ embodiment exploits neural and cognitive body mechanisms by closely mimicking their original biological functions. ‘Soft’ embodiment exploits these same mechanisms by recycling them to support a different function altogether. Read Full Article (External […]

Published on October 29, 2020

Machine Thinking, Fast and Slow

Machines do not ‘think fast and slow’ in the sense that humans do in dual-process models of cognition. However, the people who create the machines may attempt to emulate or simulate these fast and slow modes of thinking, which will in turn affect the way end users relate to these machines. In this opinion article […]

Published on October 29, 2020